sarahs blog

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

moral dilemma in huck finn

Sarah Sable
Mr. Hughes
English 10 6th hour
31 October 2006
Moral dilemma in Huck Finn

In the book “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” there are many moral dilemmas that Huck Finn goes through. The one dilemma that is the biggest dilemma he went through is running away from home, and faking his own death.
Faking your own death and running away is a huge dilemma for anyone to go through. There are good things about him leaving and bad. The good things are Huck won’t be abused by his father anymore, he won’t have to stay home alone locked in a house for days on end while his dad is out, and he can do what he wants when he wants to do it. The bad things about Huck leaving is he will get in big trouble if his dad finds him, its unsafe for a kid his age to be out and alone in the world, and he will have to find his own food and shelter that was once provided for him.
Huck made a good decision with running away from home and faking his own death. Huck is very smart and he is able to handle being out in the world alone. The way that Huck was treated when he lived with his dad was terrible. He would do better living on his own.
There are a few good reasons why Huck made a good decision by running away. Huck was treated terribly while at his dad’s house. His dad would leave him locked in there house for days. His dad also just wanted Huck for his money. Huck does very intelligent things that many people could not even think of doing. He is capable of living on his own.
Huck had a big moral dilemma to face. He made a good decision by running away and faking his own death. He deserved to be treated better and by running away he is.


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